Lieke - Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland 2015/2016

Rotorua English

This morning we are leaving waitomo and going to rotorua. But first of all we were going to the movieset of the hobbit. I only see the first lord of the rings, but in the bus to the set I saw the first 20 minutes of the second. It was nice too see the place in real, but after seeing a lot of hobbits homes that all looking the same. The guide and the fans making it very nice too see, so als the hobbitdrink at the end.

Achter the set we went to rotorua and check in by the hostel. In the evening we went to the maori village. Wath nice too see the orginal new zealand culture and eating a hangi. A hangi is food that is cookt in the ground. We saw a typical maori dance, tools and exerciencing. One of the exerciencing was a game with a stick and a person. There are the same number of people as sticks. On commando you take the stick next to you. When you let fall the stick you are finished. Tje winner is the last one with a stick. What a great evening and the busdriver make the ride back very good. Every roundaboud did we for 5 times. And every person have to song the orginal national anthem.

The next we went looking for souvernirs and going to canopying. We are canopy in the rainforest for 220 meters of canopying with six of them. What nice too canopy between this forest and see a birds and learing about the orginal forest and birds of new zealand. Because it is the only small part of the orginal forest what is left on the nord island.

On saterday we tith a nice walk too the hot pools. What a variable colours, one with mudder and one with red colour and also the sith always change. All the hotpools smell olfull, its like the smell of sulfur. The route was very nice but not so easy to follow.


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